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Dr. M'Bayo publishes ground-breaking article on Ebola research

tamba m'bayo

Dr. Tamba M'bayo recently published "Eboloa, Poverty, Economic Inequity and Social Injustice in Sierra Leone" (Journal of West African History 4, no. 1 (2018): 99-128). This article argues that the Ebola outbreak cannot be seperated from the larger issues of poverty, economic inequality, and social justice that plague Sierra Leone since decolonization in 1961. Read the article for yourself: M'Bayo, "Ebola, Poverty, Economic Inequity and Social Injustice in Sierra Leone," JWAH 4, no.1 (2018).

This article is the result of Dr. M'bayo's current research efforts to document the impact of Ebola in Africa. A large proponent of the research involved interviewing Ebola survivors about their experience with the virus. More information on Dr. M'bayo's research can be found in the 2016 feature by Eberly College of Art and Sciences found here.

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