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Admission Requirements

Master of Arts

Students seeking admission to the master of arts programs should have the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in history. Application requirements include transcripts (a minimum of a 3.0 GPA in history courses is expected), three letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, writing sample, and résumé. GRE scores are not required for the application or admission to WVU History graduate programs, but will be considered if they are provided. Please see below for complete list of information to be submitted.

Doctor of Philosophy  

Students seeking admission to the Ph.D. program should have the equivalent of a master’s degree in history. Application requirements include transcripts (a minimum of a 3.0 average in history courses is expected), three letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, writing sample, and résumé. GRE scores are not required for the application or admission to WVU History graduate programs, but will be considered if they are provided. Students should also include a statement of purpose, a writing sample that is an example of a piece of original research and a résumé as a part of the application. Please see below for complete list of information to be submitted.

Direct Admission to the Ph.D. Program

Students who have compiled an outstanding record in an undergraduate history major or master’s program may apply for direct admission to the doctor of philosophy program. They are not required to obtain a master’s degree. Admission directly to the Ph.D. program is highly selective and limited to exceptionally qualified students with superior standing in their bachelor’s degree. Current undergraduate applicants of this caliber are generally expected to have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.9. In addition, students must provide evidence that they have experience conducting a substantial piece of original historical research, such as a senior honors thesis or major capstone paper.


To apply, complete West Virginia University’s application and pay the required application fee. Official transcripts and GRE scores should be sent directly to:

Office of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment
P.O. Box 6510
Morgantown, WV 26506-6510

Please be advised that you should allow at least two weeks for your online application to be sent to the Department of History from the Department of Admissions and Recruitment. 

Application Requirements

The statement of purpose should indicate your goals as a history graduate student and the area in history in which you expect to concentrate. Please note that applicants must indicate clearly which graduate program they are seeking admission to: the Master of Arts in history; the Master of Arts history (public history area of emphasis); the Transatlantic Master of Arts in East-Central European Studies; the Doctor of Philosophy in history; or the Doctor of Philosophy in history, direct admission track.

The writing sample should be an example of a piece of original research such as a senior honors or master's thesis, major capstone or research seminar paper or a term paper written for an advanced history course. 

Three letters of recommendation should be written by people in a position to evaluate your academic strengths. 

The résumé should indicate your past educational, professional and voluntary experience.

Application Deadlines

  • For fall admission to the Ph.D. program: January 15
  • For fall admission to the M.A., eligible for funding: February 1
  • For fall admission to the M.A. program, without funding: April 1

Contact Information

Kate Kelsey Staples, Department Chair. For further information about the department, contact her at

Jason Phillips, Director of Graduate Studies. For further information regarding the graduate program contact him at

Melissa Bingmann Director of Public History. For further information regarding the public history program, contact her at

James Siekmeier serves as a contact person for students interested in the Transatlantic Master of Arts in East-Central European Studies. For more information, contact him at

Jessica Wilkerson serves as a contact person for students interested in Appalachian history and culture. For further information about the Ph.D. specialization, you may contact her at