William Hal Gorby
Teaching Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Advising
205D Chitwood Hall
Jason Phillips
Director of Graduate Studies, Eberly Professor of Civil War Studies
317 Chitwood Hall
Betsy DiSalvo Osborne
Service Assistant Professor of Social Studies Secondary Education
110 Chitwood Hall
Sean Lawrence
Assistant Professor
112 Chitwood Hall
Germany, Modern Europe, Modern Middle East, Environmental History
Brian Luskey
216 Chitwood Hall
Civil War and Reconstruction, Social and Cultural History, Nineteenth-Century America
Austin McCoy
Assistant Professor
214 Chitwood Hall
Research interests focus on African American history, the U.S. left, labor and political economy, and social movements and activism.
Jessica Wilkerson
Associate Professor, Stuart and Joyce Robbins Distinguished Chair of History
314 Chitwood Hall
Tyler Boulware
Adjunct Associate Professor
Briane Turley
Adjunct Associate Professor
Greg Good
Visiting Scholar
Michele McArdle Stephens
Adjunct Associate Professor