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2025 Conference Schedule

Each presentation will last 15 minutes with an additional 20 minutes at the end of the panel for the audience to ask questions.

Panel 1 — Chitwood 101

War and Trauma in Memory

Time Presenter
10:00 am Ben McElroy
10:15 am Sopuruchukwu Nwadi
10:30 am Anna Shuff
10:45 am Q/A

Panel 2 — Chitwood 102

Living the Cold War

Time Presenter
10:00 am Shelly Stevenson
10:15 am Jack Quinn
10:30 am Ziv Carmi
10:45 am Q/A

Panel 3 — Chitwood G5

Public History and Memory

Time Presenter
11:00 am Aurelia Goodall
11:15 am Bailey South
11:30 am Brianna Fisher
11:45 am Q/A

Panel 4 — Chitwood G1

Appalachian Spaces of Control

Time Presenter
11:00 am Ben Susman
11:15 am Matthew Powell
11:30 am Sophie Slaughter
11:45 am Q/A
12-2 pm — Lunch Elizabeth Moore Hall

Panel 5 — Chitwood 101

Counter Narratives and Culture

Time Presenter
2 pm Avery Kumes
2:15 pm Hannah Ford
2:30 pm Ariel Schurg (Poster)
2:45 pm Q/A

Panel 6: Chitwood 102

Cultural Expression and Memory

Time Presenter
2 pm Emily Jumba
2:15 pm Tenesha Carter Johnson
2:30 pm Siegrid Tuttle
2:45 pm Q/A

Panel 7 — Chitwood G5

Historical Silence and Forgetting

Time Presenter
3 pm Katherine Folmar
3:15 pm Di Galbraith
3:30 pm Emily Diaz
3:45 pm Q/A

Panel 8: Chitwood G1

Historical Space and Place

Time Presenter
3 pm Evan Simonetti
3:15 pm Luke Masa
3:30 pm Maxwell Asabere
3:45 pm Q/A