The WVU Department of History celebrates a very productive 2017. Our faculty and graduate students published a plethora of field-leading research this year, including 5 book publications and over 27 articles. Check out the list of publications to see the research produced from our department.
Faculty and Emeriti
Joshua Arthurs, ed. (co-edited with Michael Ebner, Kate Ferris), The Politics of Everyday Life in Fascist Italy: Outside the State, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017).
Robert Blobaum , A Minor Apocalypse: Warsaw during First World War, (Cornell Press, 2017).
Ron Lewis, The Industrialist and the Mountaineer: The Eastham-Thompson Feud and the Struggle for West Virginia's Timber Frontier, (West Virginia University Press: March 2017)
Robert Maxon, Majimbo in Kenya’s Past: Federalism in the 1940s and 1950s , (Cambria Press, 2017).
James Siekmeier, L atin American Nationalism: Identity in a Globalizing World, (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017).
Katherine Aaslestad, “New Military History and The Napoleonic Wars: Karen Hagemann, Tod für das Vaterland: Der patriotisch-nationale Heldenkult zur Zeit der Freiheitskriege,” Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift, Sonderbeilage, 76 (September 2017), 146-151.
Katherine Aaslestad, “Identifying a Post-War Period and the German Confederation: Case Studies from the Hanseatic Cities 1813-1830" in Decades of Reconstruction: Postwar Societies from the Seven Years War to the Cold War, edited by Ute Planert and Jim Retallack, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 158-176.
Katherine Aaslestad, “Cities and War: Modern Military Urbanism in Hamburg and Leipzig during the Napoleonic Era,” German History 35, no. 3 (September 2017), 381–402.
Joshua Arthurs,“Combattere ‘l’altro’ dopoguerra: conflitto sociale nel Mezzogiorno, 1943-1944,” in Oltre il 1945. Violenza, conflitto sociale, ordine pubblico nell’Europa del dopoguerra, eds. Camilla Poesio, Enrico Acciai, Guido Panvini and Toni Rovatti (Viella, 2017), 57-72.
Joshua Arthurs, “Bathing in Eternal Rome: The Mostra Augustea della Romanità,” in Brill’s Companion to the Classics, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, eds. Helen Roche and Kyriakos Demetriou (Brill, 2017), 157-177.
Tyler Boulware,“ ‘skilful jockies’ and ‘good sadlers’: Native Americans and Horses in the Southeastern Borderlands,” in Andrew K. Frank and A. Glenn Crothers, eds ., Borderland Narratives: Negotiation and Accommodation in North America's Contested Spaces, 1500-1850 (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2017), 68-95.
Elizabeth Fones-Wolf and Ken Fones-Wolf, "Authors' Response," (for symposium on Struggle for the Postwar South) in Labor: Studies in Working-Class History 14:1 (March 2017): 87-91.
Macabe Keliher, “The Problem of Imperial Relatives in Early Modern Empires and the Making of Qing China,” American Historical Review 122, no. 4 (October 2017): 1001–37.
Macabe Keliher, "Leading Through Ritual: Ceremony and Emperorship in Early Modern China,” Leadership (January 2017): 1-25.
Macabe Keliher, "State Ritual and Political Culture in Imperial and Late Imperial China: Reflections on Li," Journal for Cultural Interaction in East Asia , 8 (2017): 113-118.
Kate Kelsey Staples, "Con-artists or entrepreneurs? Fripperers and market space in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Paris," Journal of Medieval History 43:2 (2017): 228-254.
Kenny Kolander, “Phantom Peace: Henry ‘Scoop’ Jackson, J. William Fulbright, and Military Sales to Israel,” Diplomatic History , Volume 41, Issue 3, June 2017, p. 567-593.
Tamba M’bayo, “The Politics of Football in Post-colonial Sierra Leone.” In Brenda Elsey and Stanlislao Pugliese, eds. Football and the Boundaries of History: Critical Studies in Soccer. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 2017), 267-293.
Stephen C. McCluskey "Archaeoastronomy and Refraction near the Earth's Surface." Journal for the History of Astronomy, 48, No. 3 (2017) 329-345; see also Corrigendum, Vol. 48, No. 4, p. 497.
Jason Phillips and Brian Luskey, “Muster: Inspecting the Material Culture of the Civil War,” Civil War History (June 2017), 103–112.
Jason Phillips and Brian Luskey, co-editors, Civil War History (June 2017), Special Issue on Material Culture.
Jason Phillips, co-author with Joan Cashin, Brian Craig Miller, and Megan Kate Nelson, “Roundtable Forum on Civil War Material Cultures,” Civil War History (June 2017), 181–197.
Jason Phillips, “Reconstruction,” The Mississippi Encyclopedia , Ted Ownby and Charles Reagan Wilson, eds., Ann J. Abadie, Odie Lindsey, and James G. Thomas, assoc. eds. (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2017).
James F. Siekmeier, “Chapter 19: U.S.-Latin American Relations since 1961,” in The SHAFR Guide Online: An Annotated Bibliography of U.S. Foreign Relations since 1600, ed. Alan McPherson (Boston: Brill, 2017).
Devin Smart, "Developing the Racial City: Conflict, Solidarity and Urban Traders in Late-Colonial Mombasa." Journal of Eastern African Studies . 11, no. 3 (2017): 425-441.
Mark Tauger, "Bitter Hodgepodge" (invited review on recent film Bitter Harvest), Journal of Labor and Society, v. 20 issue 4, December 2017, pp. 509-521.
Mark Tauger, Review of Hammer Sickle, and Soil: The Soviet Drive to Collectivize Agriculture," in online journal EuropeNow (Columbia University: Council on European , December 14, 2017).
Graduate Students
Nerissa Aksamit, “Bergen-Belsen, 1945: Military and Civilian Cooperation in Relief,” Online Atlas on the History of Humanitarianism and Human Rights, edited by Fabian Klose, Marc Palen, Johannes Paulmann, and Andrew Thompson (June 2017).
Nerissa Aksamit, Review of Speiser, Peter, The British Army of the Rhine: Turning Nazi Enemies into Cold War Partners. H-War, H-Net Reviews (May 2017)
Elisabeth Moore, "The Contingency of Appalachia on Our Mind: An Exploration of the Self-Perception of Bourgeois Mountain Print Culture, 1870-1890," Journal of Appalachian Studies (Fall 2017).
Marc Sanko, "Gift of Empire: Maltese Migrants to Detroit, 1919-1924," Michigan Historical Review 43, no. 2 (Fall 2017).
Scott Thompson, “The Irregular War in Loudoun County, Virginia,” in The Guerrilla Hunters: Exploring the Civil War’s Irregular Conflicts, Barton A. Myers & Brian D. McKnight, eds. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2017), 123-146.