Dr. Katherine Aaslestad, received a prestigious J. William Fulbright Research Award to Germany. Dr. Aaslestad’s Fulbright Flex Award will support three research trips to Germany in 2016, 2017 and 2018 to undertake research on her book project, “After the Wars: German Central Europe after Napoleonic Conquest, 1815-1848.”
WVUToday: http://wvutoday-archive.wvu.edu/n/2016/02/25/wvu-history-professor-receives-fulbright-award.html
Dr. Katherine Aaslestad, was also honored by the West Virginia University with a 2016-17 Benedum Distinguished Scholar Award in the Humanities and Arts category. The award will allow her to continue research this summer for her project, “After the Wars: German Central Europe after Napoleonic Conquest, 1815-1848.”
Dr. Josh Arthurs, was selected as a 2017-18 Faculty Fellow in the Honors College to develop and deliver innovative courses, including his course proposal, “The History of Now.”
Dr. Robert Blobaum published a new book, A Minor Apocalypse: Warsaw during First World War, which is the first English text on the history of Warsaw during World War I.
Dr. Tamba M’bayo received a Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Grant to support his next book project, which will examine epidemics in his home country, Sierra Leone. and he spent the summer interviewing Ebola survivors. As part of his research, Dr. M’bayo traveled to Sierra Leone last summer to conduct oral history interviews with Ebola survivors.
See Eberly News: http://eberly.wvu.edu/news-events/eberly-news/2016/12/01/ebola-survivors-still-face-fear-stigma-in-sierra-leone
Dr. Tamba M’bayo also published his first book, Muslim Interpreters in Colonial Senegal, 1850-1920. This book is the first book-length study to focus on indigenous interpreters in colonial Africa.
Dr. Kate Staples earned the 2016 Caperton Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Writing.
Dr. Michele Stephens was awarded a prestigious fellowship for 2017 from the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History. She also received a West Virginia Humanities Council Research Fellowship for 2017. In addition, Dr. Stephens organized and visited students studying abroad this Spring in Bolivia and is leading a study abroad trip to Peru in May
See, Eberly News: http://eberly.wvu.edu/news-events/eberly-news/2016/08/30/wvu-history-professor-awarded-fellowship-at-the-max-planck-institute
Dr. Mark Tauger, was awarded a membership in the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton, in the School of Historical Studies. He was on research leave and in residence at the IAS for the 2016-17 academic year where he worked on his book project on the environmental and agricultural history of Russian and Soviet famines and the efforts of agricultural scientists to respond to them. Membership in the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton is highly selective and prestigious. Each year the IAS selects approximately 190 members from an average of more than 1,500 applicants.
See, Eberly Enews: http://eberly.wvu.edu/news-events/eberly-news/2016/04/08/tauger-awarded-membership-in-the-institute-for-advanced-studies