C.J. Rice
“My history professors at WVU gave me two invaluable skills. The first is the ability to interrogate sources for information. But, just as importantly, my professors helped me develop as a writer and communicator. ”
Hometown – Mannington, WV
Scholarships and/or academic awards – At WVU, I was the proud recipient of several scholarship and academic awards. I was an Eberly Scholar and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. More specific to the history department, I was inducted into Phi Alpha Theta (for which I was president for two years!), and I received several prizes from the department. Most importantly, however, I had the opportunity to learn from outstanding teachers and scholars, many of whom contributed to my current career trajectory.
Current position – Visiting Assistant Professor at Vassar College
Photo credit: Karl Rabe / Vassar College
Q&A with CJ
What are your favorite things about being in this major?
- The history major at WVU helped me learn how to think critically and to evaluate the sources of information I receive. I am constantly asking myself “how do I know what I think I know?” Being a history major equipped me to answer that question, both in my academic work but also in my daily life!
Why did you want to pursue this major?
- I’ve always been interested in people and their stories, so it’s not surprise I was drawn to a history major. What I love about history, in particularly premodern history, is how we get to see the many different ways that people can arrange their lives, the stories they lived, and the problems they face. If done right, it can be incredibly humbling!
How have your professors and/or staff helped you be successful?
- My history professors at WVU gave me two invaluable skills. The first, which I’ve hinted at above, is the ability to interrogate sources for information. But, just as importantly, my professors helped me develop as a writer and communicator. In my work as a Greek and Roman studies professor, I write every day, whether its emails, my research notes, my class lectures and lesson plans, or the latest essay I’m working on. My time as a student at WVU helped me become a clearer and more effective communicator and I’ll always be grateful for that.
What are your career goals?
- Since I was young, I’ve wanted to be an ancient history professor: I am really drawn to the life of the mind. Being a Queer First Generation, Low Income college student from rural WV, it was definitely not the most obvious path for me. But I’ve done it, in no small part thanks to the tutelage of WVU History’s outstanding faculty. They really did so much to help make my dream possible in ways I never imagined.
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