Billy Mays
History B.A.
“Each of my internships required different skills, skills that I initially didn’t have. These differing internships taught me how to be flexible and how to adopt new ideas to perform better at these positions.”
Q&A with Billy
What internships did you complete while a History major at WVU?
- I was able to complete three internships while getting my BA in History at WVU. I worked as a Historic Preservationist at Gulf Islands National Seashore in 2021, a Park Guide at Russell Cave National Monument in the summer of 2022, and as a Social Media Intern for the Pittsburgh portion of the Lewis and Clark Trial in the fall of 2022.
What did a typical day look like at one of your internship sites?
- Most days at my internships consisted of public education, whether that be through a direct manner with guided tours on park resources or by creating articles about the history that can be founded in said parks.
What skills did you hone through these opportunities?
- One major skill that I was able to gain from these experiences was being able to communicate well with large groups of folks and keep them engaged with the topic I was presenting. Another was being able to take in new ideas and methods. Each of my internships required different skills, skills that I initially didn’t have. These differing internships taught me how to be flexible and how to adopt new ideas to perform better at these positions.
In what ways did you find completing an internship useful for understanding or realizing your professional goals?
- I found doing these internships useful because they allowed me to build up my experience on my resume to gain eyes of future employers and to also build good connections with places I wanted to work. I have been working for the National Park Service since I graduated from WVU, and I genuinely can say if weren’t for those internships I wouldn’t be where I am now.
How did the internship complement your coursework in the major?
- My internships complimented my major in the manner that they were involved with ensuring the education of the public on its resources and cultures. I believe that is the key point of a History degree, learning about the past and bringing it to the present so it can be used to prepare for the future.
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