Kate Kelsey Staples
Department Chair, Associate Professor
205A Chitwood Hall
Medieval Europe; History of Women, Gender, and Sexuality; British History; European History; World History
Michael Allen
Visiting Assistant Professor
220 Chitwood Hall
Historic Preservation, Architectural History, Landscape/Cultural Landscape History, American Urban History, Housing and Gentrification
Betsy DiSalvo Osborne
Service Assistant Professor of Social Studies Secondary Education
110 Chitwood Hall
Social Studies Education, Education
Max Flomen
Assistant Professor
313 Chitwood Hall
North America to1800 Native America, Atlantic World, Comparative Slavery, Borderlands
William Hal Gorby
Teaching Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Advising
205D Chitwood Hall
West Virginia and Appalachian History, Immigration/ Ethnic History, U.S. Working Class, 20th Century U.S.
Joseph Hodge
320 Chitwood Hall
Modern Britain; British Imperialism; Comparative Imperial and Postcolonial Societies; Decolonization, Development and the Global Cold War; Western Civilization
Sean Lawrence
Assistant Professor
112 Chitwood Hall
Germany, Modern Europe, Modern Middle East, Environmental History
Brian Luskey
216 Chitwood Hall
Nineteenth-Century United States, History of Capitalism, Social and Cultural History
Tamba M’bayo
Associate Professor
318 Chitwood Hall
African History, West African History, World History
Austin McCoy
Assistant Professor
214 Chitwood Hall
20th Century United States, African-American History, U.S. Left and Labor, U.S. Social Movements
Jason Phillips
Director of Graduate Studies, Eberly Professor of Civil War Studies
317 Chitwood Hall
Civil War and Reconstruction, Southern history, Nineteenth-century America
James F. Siekmeier
Associate Professor
316 Chitwood Hall
U.S. History, 1865-Present; History of U.S. Foreign Relations; Latin America and the World
Devin Smart
Assistant Professor
116 Chitwood Hall
Africa, Global history, Environmental history, History of climate change, History of capitalism, Labor and working-class history
Matthew Vester
Associate Chair, Professor
205C Chitwood Hall
Renaissance and early modern European History, Political Culture Kinship
Jessica Wilkerson
Associate Professor, Stuart and Joyce Robbins Distinguished Chair of History
314 Chitwood Hall
Appalachia and the South; Women, Gender, and Sexuality; 20th Century America; Labor and the Working Class