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Cassie Auble

Major Field

Late Medieval/Early Modern Britain

Minor Fields

Early Modern Europe, Modern Britain, World History


Kate Staples 

Research Interests

Ms. Auble's dissertation examines the role of jewelry in early modern political contexts, specifically in diplomacy, political discourse, credit relations, and gift exchange. She focuses on the exchanges of jewelry made during the Tudor and early Stuart periods (1485-1625) and explores how contemporaries utilized jewelry in political settings as a way to construct meaning, represent themselves, and negotiate personal and political relationships. While there is a robust literature on the general practices of gift exchange, her research illuminates the specific role of the jewel-gift within diplomatic practice in early modern Europe. 

Courses Taught
  • HIST 101: European History: Antiquity to 1600
  • HIST 179: World History to 1500
  • HIST 180: World History since 1500
  • HIST 203: Introduction to Medieval Europe